woman relaxing in a clean, organized living room

How Does Clutter Affect Mental Health

Everyone wants to come home to a tidy, clutter-free home. When your laundry is put away, dishes are clean, and household belongings are stored in their proper places, your living spaces not only look great but feels warm and relaxing, as well. On the other hand, when your home is overflowing with piles of junk to sort through, you're more likely to feel tired, overwhelmed, and burnt out. Check out these three ways that visible clutter affects mental and physical wellbeing along with tips to help you combat the clutter in your home.

1. It Increases Stress

When mess constantly surrounds you, you're more likely to experience feelings of depression. Trying to function around cluttered rooms can make it difficult to concentrate, finish tasks, or find the motivation to do activities, big and small. Focusing on a particular task can feel nearly impossible with an array of other stimulants around you. 

If you feel like you're drowning in excess clutter but don't know where to begin in terms of getting organized, don't panic. You don't have to get your house completely in order overnight. Instead, tackle small projects little by little. Sorting through the junk drawers in your kitchen today may give you the momentum to organize something bigger tomorrow, such as your mudroom or entryway closet. 

2. It Depletes Your Energy

Thinking about how many things you'd have to do in order to get your home clean and orderly can be exhausting. Sometimes just thinking about how you should go about cleaning up a bit can feel like a never-ending, all-consuming feat. It's no wonder that living in a visibly messy house can take away from your daily energy. This makes it even more challenging to be as productive as you'd like. 

If you're feeling drained from the amount of clutter in your home, it's important to ask for help. Get your family members on board to help, especially if they're helping to create the clutter. Likewise, it can be helpful to ask a friend to help you get rid of unneeded items. An objective third party could make deciding which items are worth keeping quick and efficient. 

3. It Makes Eating Healthy Difficult

Clutter affects mental and physical wellbeing in myriad ways, including your dietary health. When you don't feel great, it's harder to eat well. Being stressed out by a dirty, cluttered home can make you want to reach out for comfort foods that are filled with empty calories. Unfortunately, this can become a repeating cycle. Over time, you can feel even more fatigued and overwhelmed by poor eating habits. This, in turn, can lead to more poor dietary choices. 

Whether you're striving to lose weight or simply live a healthier lifestyle, maintaining a well-organized home is essential for staying on track for the long haul. One way to accomplish your organizational goals is to designate a specific storage spot for all of your household belongings. Nothing is too small or insignificant to have a home. When you know where everything you own should go, it's easier to put it in its place.

Keep the Clutter Away With Murphy Door 

Staying organized and addressing how clutter affects mental and physical wellbeing may sound like an impossible task. But it doesn't have to be. With a hidden flush mount door from Murphy Door, you can keep virtually anything in your home neatly organized and out of sight. From kitchen appliances and office supplies to holiday decorations and children's toys, a hidden door is the perfect solution. Visit us online today to find the perfect hidden door to help you combat the clutter and feel your best at home.

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