How To / Support Videos

Watch Murphy Door How-To Video Guides

"How To" videos walk you through our most frequently asked questions.

Place an Order video, this link will open in a new tab

How toPlace an Order

Remove Hinge Pin video, this link will open in a new tab

How toRemove the Hinge Pin

Install Outswing Door video, this link will open in a new tab

How toInstall an Out-swing Door

Fix Protruding Corner video, this link will open in a new tab

How toFix a Protruding Corner

Fix Uneven French Door video, this link will open in a new tab

How toFix Your Uneven French Door

Install Hidden Book Latch, this link will open in a new tab

How toInstall A Hidden Door Book Latch

Locking System Videos

Electromagnetic Lock Overview, this link will open in a new tab

How toElectromagnetic Lock Overview

Wire Push Button Lock, this link will open in a new tab

How toWire Your Push Button Lock

Wire Keypad Lock, this link will open in a new tab

How toWire Your Keypad Lock

Wire Key Fob, this link will open in a new tab

How toWire Your Key Fob

Wire Fingerprint Scanner, this link will open in a new tab

How toWire Your Fingerprint Scanner

Install Key Lock, this link will open in a new tab

How toInstall a Key Lock