Make Your Home Feel High-End in 4 Easy Steps | Murphy Door, Inc.

Make Your Home Feel High-End in 4 Easy Steps

When it comes to designing a home that looks like it came out of a magazine, most homeowners don't know where to begin. Creating spaces that exude comfort, charm, and sophistication is often easier said than done. Fortunately, a few easy steps from the design pros at The Murphy Door can make a big difference in bringing your high-end home decor aspirations to life, no matter what your budget, style, or home's size may be. Check out these ideas for making your home feel high-end:

1. Invest in Quality Window Treatments

The way you choose to dress your windows can affect the overall look of the space. With this in mind, it's best to choose window treatments that are customized to meet the particular style and function needs of the room where they're located to take your home from ordinary to extraordinary.

Prior to picking out pricey curtains or shades, it's helpful to recognize what type of treatment would complement your window most appropriately. Are you looking for something subtle or bold? Is natural light or privacy a priority in the room you're designing? Is the space contemporary, traditional, or rustic? Once you can pinpoint your window's specific needs, you can properly dress them in a way that looks like you hired a professional designer.

2. Choose the Right Light Fixtures

Another feature that sets everyday homes apart from luxurious ones is the way that their rooms are illuminated. To make your home feel high-end, balancing and layering light is essential. Here are some simple tips to help you do just that:

  • Replace dull or outdated light fixtures with contemporary ones that reflect your home's unique style
  • Use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create dimension and warmth.
  • Hang mirrors across from windows and lamps to maximize light within the space.

Incorporate a variety of light fixtures that are not only attractive but practical. Then your home will instantly feel homey and inviting.

3. Decorate Your Walls Thoughtfully

Adorning your walls in a way that looks thoughtful and chic may seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Rather than hanging any and every family photo, piece of artwork, or decoration on the wall, take the time to make a strategy.

First, consider the size of the space. If the wall is particularly large, avoid displaying a bunch of tiny accessories on it. They will easily get lost and feel messy. Instead, choose one large piece of artwork or several smaller pieces that will make a statement without appearing cluttered. Large rooms are also ideal for creating a gallery space. To curate an uncomplicated gallery wall, simply hang photographs of the same size in matching frames, such as white, black, or gold. Remember, when in doubt, less is always more.

4. Incorporate Built-in Bookcases

Can any feature make a room feel as special and sophisticated as a built-in bookcase? We don't think so. Bookcases would make a lovely addition to nearly any room in your home by adding additional storage space, decorating opportunities, and, of course, charm. If you think bookcases are only useful to hold your favorite books, think again. Whether you incorporate one in your bedroom, living room, or office, bookshelves are the perfect place to display photos and artwork or add color and texture to the space. You can also use them to store everyday household belongings, such as school supplies and books. 

Don't have space for a built-in bookcase? Murphy Door offers flush mount Bookcase Doors that can easily replace a bedroom closet, entryway closet, or office door. Single and French bookcase doors can be customized to complement your home's particular needs. To view all of our storage solution doors, visit us online today!

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