4 Simple Tips to Stylishly Decorate a Bookshelf | Murphy Door, Inc.

4 Simple Tips to Stylishly Decorate a Bookshelf

Bookshelves have become so much more than a place to store our favorite novels and family albums. When thoughtfully designed, bookshelves can bring virtually any room in one's home to life by displaying everything from photographs and knickknacks to artwork and, of course, books. However, if you want to decorate a bookshelf so it looks like it was curated by a professional, that’s often easier said than done. Fortunately, with a few simple tips, anyone can create an attractive, orderly, stylish bookshelf organization quickly and easily. Check out these tips from The Murphy Door, Inc. to help you do just that.

1. Start With a Blank Slate

Before you start shifting piles of books and decor from one shelf to the next, it's important to give yourself a blank slate to work from as you decorate a bookshelf. To achieve this, take everything off your bookshelf so it's completely empty. Next, separate the items you intend to put back into categories so that you can visualize what you have. As for the books that will likely be the most prevalent item on your bookshelf, decide what system works best for organizing your collection. Whether it's by color, genre, or author, find a system that makes sense to you. And don't be afraid to let go of the items that have seen better days or you no longer need. 

2. Be Picky About What Items Go Back Up

Just because your bookshelf has the room to store a large collection of your favorite items doesn't mean you have to use every inch of its available space. When it comes to designing a bookshelf that's brimming with personality and charm, less is more. As you start to put items back on your bookshelf, be sure to only include items that you'll need, use, or love. Everything else should be stored somewhere else, tossed, or donated. 

3. Mix Things Up 

As you start positioning items back on your empty bookshelves, try to do so in a zig-zag formation. Start by putting a large item, such as a picture frame or vase, in the upper left-hand corner. Then do the same on the opposite side of the shelf immediately below it, working your way down. This is an effortless way to create a well-balanced, visually intriguing bookshelf. 

Once the large items have found a home on the shelves, you can fill in with books and smaller objects. Be sure to use different heights, shapes, and organizational styles as much as possible. For instance, round items provide a nice contrast to the straight lines of the shelves. Also, alternating horizontal and vertical stacks of books will make your shelves look polished yet personalized.

4. Make It Your Own

There's no one "right" way to organize or decorate a bookshelf. What's important is making it your own. Along with your book collection, consider how you can put your own unique touch on the bookshelf. It is yours, after all. Bringing in textured items, such as wicker baskets, or adding in a few houseplants may be just what your bookshelf needs to reflect your individual taste and style. Above all, remember to enjoy the process. You can always start over if the end result isn't what you had hoped for.

If you think you don't have enough space in your home for a gorgeous bookshelf, think again. The Murphy Door, Inc. offers a hidden bookcase that can easily be nestled into virtually any doorway, no matter how tiny or spacious it may seem, adding style and functionality where one might least expect it.

Whether you are searching for a storage solution for a child's bedroom, a tasteful addition for your home office, or the perfect finishing touch for your family room, a hidden door can elevate the style and function of any room in your home. Contact us today to learn more about our quality products and exceptional service. 

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