boy clearing away toys to donate during the holidays

Toy Storage and Organization

The holidays are a magical time for kids of all ages. What child doesn't like getting an influx of new toys, after all? For parents, the holiday season can be a bit more complicated. Seeing your little ones' faces light up when they unwrap an array of new playthings is sure to fill your heart with joy. But figuring out where to neatly store their belongings when the holidays are over is another story. But Murphy Door has you covered. Check out these simple tips for clearing away toys before the holidays and organizing the new ones that come into your home.

Out With the Old: Tips to Get Rid of Old Toys

Let's be real about clearing away toys. Kids hate getting rid of their stuff, even if they don't use or play with it anymore. This can make clearing out their bedrooms and play areas more challenging. But it certainly isn't an excuse to hold onto the items they no longer need. 

Creating much-needed space for the new stuffed animals, board games, books, and more that they're sure to unwrap is great. But letting go of old toys will also make it easier for your child to play with the toys they actually enjoy without feeling overwhelmed by clutter.

With this in mind, here are some ideas for clearing away toys to help your toy-cleaning process go as smoothly as possible:

  • Do you know that your child can't bear the thought of sorting through their toys on their own? Consider doing it for them when they're not home. Chances are, they won't even realize that the old toys they don't play with are missing.
  • Throw away anything that is broken or missing pieces.
  • Encourage your older children to pick out a certain number of their belongings to donate to a local charity.
  • If you can't remember the last time your little one played with something, don't hesitate to let it go.
  • Consider selling your child's old toys in a yard sale to collect money for your holiday shopping list or to donate to a family in need.

In With the New: How to Store & Organize New Toys

The best gift you can give to your child this holiday season is the gift of space. When their bedroom or play area is clutter-free, they'll feel more relaxed. They'll also have more room to play and can easily put away the new items they collect over the season. 

Of course, even with extra space in their closet and toy box, new toys can turn into clutter if not strategically dealt with. For this reason, it's important to have an idea of where the new toys will go before they're ever unwrapped. 

Keep these tips in mind to organize your child's new toys after the holiday season:

  • Store like items together: books with books, blocks with blocks, puzzles with puzzles, etc.
  • Label everything to make finding and putting things away a breeze.
  • Keep toys that will be used regularly in an easy-to-reach location, such as in a basket on the ground. Then store toys that will only occasionally be used out of the way, such as in a bin at the top of the closet.
  • Maximize the storage space of your child's closet while keeping their toys organized and out of sight with a hidden door.

To keep your child's belongings tidy through the holiday season and beyond, Murphy Door is here to help. We are proud to offer a variety of customizable hidden door solutions that can effortlessly enhance the style and functionality of your child's bedroom, including our Flush Mount Bookcase DoorDresser Door, and more. Visit us online to find the perfect one for your home today! 



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